Pretty much every marketer is on the lookout for solid lead generation tactics to discover more purchasers and make more sales. Lead generation isn’t just about getting clients to visit your site, it’s mostly about making them take a certain action. The end goal is for them to pay you for services or purchase whatever you’re bringing to the table.
Lead generation is much more than getting individuals to visit your site. It’s more about gathering information so you can contact them and transform casual traffic into loyal clients. And like most marketing activities, lead generation requires the right tools, even for proficient marketers and advertisers.
There are numerous online lead generation tools that are accessible, so it may still be challenging for both startups and established companies to pick which ones will be best and are worth paying for.
Here are 3 excellent online lead generation tools you can use for your business.
- Online Form Builders
Convert your website visitors into qualified leads by using an online form builder. The volume of traffic that comes to your website is meaningless if you can’t convert it into leads.
These online forms aid in the capture of leads leading to an increase in signups and in turn, more conversions. Online forms are a tool to collect contact information, usually used together with promotions and free trials to help lure in more traffic. Using lead-generating forms to collect emails also helps in building email lists for your email marketing campaigns.
Contact forms, registration forms, and signup forms are examples of online lead generation forms. If you want a lead generation form for your landing pages, for example, using an online form builder can make your life much easier by doing the job for you. You will be able to create visually appealing forms with all the relevant fields that will encourage visitors to leave their info.
- OptinMonster
OptinMonster is one of the most well-known lead generation tools out there today. This platform offers many different ways to capture leads for your business and convert them into customers. It comes with a variety of templates to help you create marketing campaigns for your site such as pop-ups, coupon wheels, floating bars, etc.
Another great thing about OptinMonster is that it integrates seamlessly with your website, even if you are using a website builder. It also offers an intuitive drag and drop editor to build your campaigns easily.
- Hunter
Hunteris a tool that helps you find email addresses. All you need to do is search a domain and it will pull up email addresses that it found associated with that domain. It even shows how reliable each email address is.
Hunter also has a Chrome extension, so if you are on a website and you want to find a way to contact them, you open the extension and you can see all of the emails Hunter found for that site.
- Lead Forensics
Lead Forensicsis a tool that gets the contact info of anonymous visitors on your site. Using this tool makes sure that you don’t miss out on a lot of valuable potential leads just because you don’t know how to contact them. You can start using Lead Forensics with their free trial, but after that you will need to get a paid plan.
- ReferralCandy
ReferralCandy is a great lead generation tool for e-commerce businesses. It focuses on offering customers discounts for referring their friends in order to help businesses generate leads and increase sales. It has many different integrations that make it very easy to use, and it also offers a 30-day free trial.
- MailChimp
Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms out there to choose from, and it is also a great lead generation tool. It allows you to use pop-ups that show up while visitors scroll a site to help convert them into contacts, and it also lets you insert sign-up forms onto your website, among other things.
The Bottom Line
It’s not easy to create and maintain a successful lead generation campaign. It is, however, a tremendously rewarding endeavor that will pay off handsomely if your plans are executed with precision and efficiency. The tools mentioned above are some of the most amazing online lead generation tools in the market to assist you in getting started. There are, however, so many more to choose from, and we encourage you to do even more research in order to find the tools that will be most beneficial for your business. Make sure to read reviews online before making a decision so that you don’t end up wasting money. We wish you all the best in your lead generation efforts and hope that this article was helpful in giving you some ideas of the tools that can help!