You can make the holidays as warm and kind as possible, while avoiding unnecessary expenses. We do not urge you to save on the holiday and deprive yourself of all the pleasures. But if after each holiday you feel not joy, but regret about spending too much, then this article is for you.
Here are some tips on how not to go into negative territory on December holidays 2020, not to get into the stash and not to collect debts.
Make lists and double check them
We recommend making three holiday lists: gifts, entertainment and travel (if you are going to rush somewhere after the December holiday):
In the “Gifts” list, list everyone to whom you want to make a present and how much money you are willing to spend on each. After completing the list, estimate the total amount. Is she reasonable? Or is it worth correcting the list or reducing the amount for some of the gifts?
The list of “Entertainment” includes, first of all, food and drinks. If you are hosting guests, agree to split the budget for treats. If you are going on a holiday night on a visit, check whether it is more appropriate to take some food / drinks with you or whether it is better to compensate for the expenses with money. If you celebrate a holiday in a restaurant, write down how much you would like to meet and calculate how much each member of your family can afford. Also in “Entertainment” write down all the activities on the holidays – skating rink, cinema, theaters, children’s performances, cafes and restaurants. Let your head have a clear picture of your leisure time and a specific final amount of all spending.
Track your expenses
Lists alone are not enough. You can plan everything wonderfully, but get out of budget on the first day. In order to notice this in time and adjust the course, do not abandon budget management, even on holidays. It will take 5-10 minutes a day, but will help to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Conduct a pre-December holiday “decluttering”
Before the December holiday, it’s time to deal with old (and not so) things. Conduct an audit of your home: go through clothes, books, furniture, decor items, appliances, hobby items, etc. Do you use everything at least a couple of times a year? We are sure not. Sell or give away unnecessary items. So you will support the family budget during the difficult holiday time, and at the same time you will meet the December holiday without unnecessary things.
Come up with an alternative to postcards
Most people throw away their cards right after the holiday. It turns out that you are just throwing money in the trash can when you buy a hefty pack of postcards to friends and family. So why not arrange congratulations in such a way that you want to leave them? Write a letter instead of a postcard. This is a great way to tell loved ones how much they mean to you and thank them over the past year.
Start planning for the next December holiday
Once the holidays are over, think about the following. So you don’t have to read such articles in the last month and come up with emergency ways to save money on the December holiday. Here’s what you can start doing right after the holidays: Set aside a small amount in a separate account to celebrate the next December holidays.
Here are tips to help you stay on track for the December holidays 2020. Maybe you know some other ways to reduce costs without ruining your holiday then add to the list.
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