Scientists say we can’t be born with black eyes, but why do some people do that?

Blue, green, black and hazelnuts are the most common eye colors. But have you ever met someone with black eyes? It is said that there are only 600 people in this world who have black eyes and even black eyes. Famous actress Elizabeth Taylor and the kids in this video became popular with her eyes (see this video). Your eyes are very beautiful. His brother did not appear in this video, but his brother is said to have the same black eyes as him. Scientists have shown that humans cannot be born with black eyes. We can only be born in amber, black, blue, brown, grey, green and hazelnuts. But some people have black eyes. first,  eyes structure.u=2916013755,1816359334&fm=21&gp=0

It is the anatomy of the human eye. The eyes are like a camera. The cornea is the screen, and the lens has a variable focus, which changes its shape through the ciliary muscle to adjust the focus. The retina is a very fine optic nerve tissue that develops on the inner wall of the eye. It’s like a camera film, with the ability to send and receive images. The iris is a color plate that helps to bring the light into your eyes. In the eyes of different people, there are different colors and densities of pigmentation. In most cases, whites are lighter in color and have a lower density of pigmentation. This is also the reason why white people like to wear sunglasses. Because the color of the eyes is light, more sunlight enters the eyeballs. I wear sunglasses during the day to protect my sunburned eyes. Yellow people are hazelnuts or brown. Blacks always have the highest density of pigmentation, so they have black eyes. However, there are some exceptions. This video shows a black man with deep blue eyes. Now let’s talk about purple, the most mysterious eye color in the world. We can’t be born with black eyes, but why do some people have black eyes? Is it a gift or a defect?
Currently, there are two explanations for this phenomenon. The first explanation is the Genesis of Alexandria. Legend has it that one night in ancient Egypt, there was a relief blocking a quiet night. Everyone came out to see how the light turned black eyes and white skin. They were called “spiritual people”. After getting these facial features, the locals didn’t accept it. They moved and eventually disappeared. However, in 1329 she hired a newborn baby and eventually they disappeared. However, a girl with purple eyes named Alexandria was treated as an appearance of a spirit. According to records, she was the first person to have black eyes. Alexandria Genesis is like a myth.
The second is albinism. Some people have albinism, a disease that can be a small amount of melanin pigment in the iris, and they appear to have black eyes. When a person‘s blue eyes are injured in the sun, blood vessels may appear and eventually become purple eyes.
Apparently neither Elizabeth nor the child in this video have such an illness or have been injured. Is there another explanation? Yes, it’s a mutation. This is the main reason Elizabeth and other healthy children have black eyes. However, what the mutation looks like with black eyes remains unresolved. Scientists believe that the mother is a carrier of the genetic mutation. Children who give birth are more likely to have a genetic variation. We already knew that we couldn’t be born with black eyes, but they can cause mutations after birth for a variety of reasons. What’s more, children are likely to have blue eyes, but in the light it looks purple.
The eyes are the windows of the heart. Whatever your eye color, you should appreciate it. Violet is a color that represents loyalty and royalty. If you have purple eyes and you are a healthy child without illness. Don’t worry, receive this beautiful gift.


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